

2 component cementitious coating Consist of specially selected cements, graded hard wearing aggregates and additives supplied in-powder foam together with a liquid component of blended acrylic co-polymers and wetting agents Exceptional adhesion, toughness and durability Can be applied using a stiff brush, roller, spray or trowel to obtain the desired texture

USES: Suitable for sealing water tanks, reservoirs, toilets and bathrooms, balconies and basements as well as filling blowholes, cracks, imperfections and for providing concrete surfaces with a uniform appearance.

ADVANTAGES: Minimum surface preparation needed Excellent adhesion, bonds directly to porous and non-porous surfaces Waterproof and non-toxic; ideal for potable water tanks Excellent for damp-proofing basements below ground Breathable; allows transmission of water vapor from interior of building High resistance to carbon dioxide and chloride ion diffusion Can fill the honeycombs, dot surfaces and concrete with potholes

COLOURS: Grey & White

 Pertanyaan - BRUSHBOND (M)